Drum Roll Please… W³ Award Winners Announced
We are both excited and proud to announce that we’ve added another W³ Award to our shelf. Winning a W³ Silver Award for our website design of Tailored Move for General Website in the Services & Utilities category.
The W³ Awards honor digital excellence on the web by recognizing outstanding websites, web marketing, video, mobile sites/apps & social content created by some of the best interactive agencies, designers, and creators worldwide. The W³ is sanctioned and judged by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts (AIVA), an assembly of leading professionals from various disciplines of the visual arts dedicated to embracing progress and the evolving nature of traditional and interactive media. Making the W³ awards the first major web competition to be accessible to the biggest Fortune 500 agencies as well as the smallest national and international firms, and everyone in between.
A huge congratulations go out to all of our DefinedLogic team members involved in making Tailored Move a huge success — from drafting requirements, to creating a beautiful website that ties brand and digital, to provide users with excellent user experience. We couldn’t be happier to not only be providing our client with a design winning site but also to be recognized for all the hard work that our teams did in crafting it.